ITS_LIVE: calculate Metric 2

ITS_LIVE: calculate Metric 2

This notebook calculates δxy for all ITS_LIVE velocity maps.

To reproduce this workflow, make sure you have downloaded all necessary input files (velocity maps and static terrain geometries) from and have updated the Vx and Vy columns in notebooks/results_ITSLIVE.csv or notebooks/manifest_ITSLIVE.csv with the downloaded file paths before starting the analysis.

import glaft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
# df = pd.read_csv('../manifest.csv', dtype=str)
df = pd.read_csv('../results_ITSLIVE.csv', dtype=str)
# df
# flow area
in_shp = '/home/jovyan/Projects/PX_comparison/Bedrock_shp/glacier_V1_Kaskawulsh_s_inwardBuffer600m_EPSG3413.shp'

Here’s a demo for calculating Metric 2 for an ITS_LIVE velocity map:

exp = glaft.Velocity(vxfile=df.loc[4, 'Vx'], vyfile=df.loc[4, 'Vy'], 
                     on_ice_area=in_shp, kde_gridsize=60, thres_sigma=2.0, 
Running clip_on_ice_area
Running get_grid_spacing
Running calculate_flow_theta
Running calculate_strain_rate
Running prep_strain_rate_kde
Running calculate_xystd
Running calculate_bandwidth
Running calculate_kde
Running construct_crude_mesh
Running eval_crude_mesh
Running construct_fine_mesh
Running eval_fine_mesh
Running thresholding_fine_mesh
Running thresholding_metric
Running cal_outlier_percent

Now let’s batch process all the maps:

fig, ax2 = plt.subplots(7, 5, figsize=(20, 28))
n = 0 

for idx, row in df.iterrows():
    label = row.Label
    ax_sel = ax2[n // 5, n % 5]
    exp = glaft.Velocity(vxfile=row.Vx, vyfile=row.Vy, on_ice_area=in_shp, kde_gridsize=60, thres_sigma=2.0, velocity_unit='m/yr')
    exp.longitudinal_shear_analysis(plot='zoomed', ax=ax_sel)
    ax_sel.set_xlim(-10, 10)
    ax_sel.set_ylim(-10, 10)
    titletext = ax_sel.get_title()
    titletext = label + '\n' + titletext
    df.loc[idx, 'LSR-uncertainty-nm'] = exp.metric_alongflow_normal
    df.loc[idx, 'LSR-uncertainty-sh'] = exp.metric_alongflow_shear
    n += 1

df.to_csv('../results_ITSLIVE.csv', index=False)
# df