Figures S1-S8: All 172 test velocity maps

Figures S1-S8: All 172 test velocity maps

The label of each panel in Figures S1-S8 indicates the corresponding parameter combination, formatted as (Software)-(Template size)-(Pixel spacing)-(Prefilter). For Vmap results, the subpixel method is also shown in the label. See Table S1 for parameter abbrevations.

To reproduce these figures, see bottom of this page.

Figure S1. Vx (positive toward image east) of the pair LS8-20180304-20180405.

Figure S2. Vy (positive toward image north) of the pair LS8-20180304-20180405.

Figure S3. Vx (positive toward image east) of the pair LS8-20180802-20180818.

Figure S4. Vy (positive toward image north) of the pair LS8-20180802-20180818.

Figure S5. Vx (positive toward image east) of the pair Sen2-20180304-20180314.

Figure S6. Vy (positive toward image north) of the pair Sen2-20180304-20180314.

Figure S7. Vx (positive toward image east) of the pair Sen2-20180508-20180627.

Figure S8. Vy (positive toward image north) of the pair Sen2-20180508-20180627.

Code for reproducing the figures

import pandas as pd
import glaft
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#### Font and line width settings ####
font = {'size'   : 13}
mpl.rc('font', **font)
axes_settings = {'linewidth'   : 2}
mpl.rc('axes', **axes_settings)

def plot_batch(sub_df, component: str='Vx', datestr: str=''):
    Plot all Vx or Vy maps from the same image pair.
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(8, 6, figsize=(20, 21), constrained_layout=True)
    n = 0
    for idx, row in sub_df.iterrows():
        templatesize = row['Template size (px)']
        # change long GIV label "varying: multi-pass" to "multi"
        templatesize = 'multi' if templatesize == 'varying: multi-pass' else templatesize
        if row.Software == 'Vmap':
            label = '-'.join((row.Software, templatesize, row['Pixel spacing (px)'], row.Prefilter)) + '\n' + row.Subpixel
            label = '-'.join((row.Software, templatesize, row['Pixel spacing (px)'], row.Prefilter))
        ax_sel = axs[n // 6, n % 6]
        glaft.show_velocomp(row[component], ax=ax_sel)
        n += 1
    # delete empty axes
    for i in range(n, 48):
        ax_sel = axs[i // 6, i % 6]
    # add a colorbar in the bottom        
    if component == 'Vx':
        cbar_label = '$V_x$ (m/day)'
    elif component == 'Vy':
        cbar_label = '$V_y$ (m/day)'
    cbar_label = datestr + '\n' + cbar_label
    cax = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.09, 0.17, 0.017])

    mappable = glaft.prep_colorbar_mappable()    
    fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', label=cbar_label)
    return fig, axs

To reproduce the figures:

  1. download the source velocity maps from

  2. locate notebooks/manifest.csv

  3. update the Vx and Vy columns with the downloaded file paths

  4. uncomment and run the cell below.

# df = pd.read_csv('../manifest.csv', dtype=str)
# datestrs = ['LS8-20180304-20180405', 
#             'LS8-20180802-20180818', 
#             'Sen2-20180304-20180314', 
#             'Sen2-20180508-20180627']

# for datestr in datestrs:
#     sub_df = df.loc[df['Date'] == datestr]
#     for component in ['Vx', 'Vy']:
#         fig, axs = plot_batch(sub_df, component=component, datestr=datestr)
#         fig.patch.set_facecolor('xkcd:white')
#         fig.savefig('figs/{}-{}.png'.format(datestr, component))